Lucky number 73! And Daydreams...

Posted by Aeolidia

[caption id="attachment_485" align="alignnone" width="404" caption="The Maddie Dress and Donald Shorts from the Daydream Collection- use your wolf bucks on lovely W.D. Wolf items like these!"][/caption] Congrats to NUMBER 73! You've won a $50 gift certificate to Well Dressed Wolf! So, who is number 73 and how did we choose a winner? Similar to our last giveaway, here's how we did it... We used a facebook app called Easy Promos that kept track of each entry. The generated information was exported into an Excel file where entrants were organized into a neat, numbered list. We took that list and entered it into a more random "list generator" on This re-organized the entries for us and gave each entry a unique number. Next, we entered the total number of entrants into the random number generator  and "rolled the dice" so to speak. Out popped number 73 which corresponds with: ELIZABETH DOYLE TIERNEY!! Congrats, Elizabeth!! We'll email you with the details this afternoon. Later today we'll post the dollar amounts that each of you earned for your referrals. This amount can be used toward a purchase during any of our facebook sales. We'll email you with details using the email addresses listed on the promotion entry form. Thank you all so much for playing and referring your friends to Well Dressed Wolf. You're going to be so thrilled with the quality of your W.D. Wolf clothes. [caption id="attachment_486" align="alignnone" width="404" caption="So sweet with the Grace Bubble- the lovely Lily dress from the Daydream line."][/caption] [caption id="attachment_487" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="The Bill Shirt is perfect for your little man."][/caption] [caption id="attachment_490" align="alignnone" width="404" caption="The perfect complement to the Maddie Dress, Donald shirt and Grace bubble in pink/blue/tan..."][/caption]



    sally price on
  • Haha! You might be a little biased, but we’ll take the compliment!

    W.D. Wolf on

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