At our house, there’s no shortage of crowns. We’re drowning in plastic princess crowns, beaded fabric crowns and even glue & paper crowns… So when, for the second time, I found Abe wearing a pink Cinderella tiara (while claiming to be “the king”), I knew the time had arrived for some “boy crowns”. In keeping with the outdoor/summer camp “theme” of their room, I decided to make some Native American inspired headdresses. They were simple and the boys love them!
[caption id="attachment_231" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Apparently, the girls like them, too!"][/caption]
What you’ll need:
-Felt Fashion black headband (found at Hobby Lobby)
-Aleene’s No-Sew Fabric Glue (or similar)
-Craft feathers
-1 sheet of stiff felt, cut into strips (roughly 3/4″ x 6″)
-Small clips (optional)
-Decorative ribbon (optional)*
How to:
Select the feathers you want to use and lay them out in a pleasing pattern. Open the headband into a circle and place it on the table, with the back side (the elastic) facing you. Take a strip of felt and place it on the inside of the band on what will be the front (the felt will become the “backing” that holds the feathers in place).
Start gluing! Roughly estimate the middle of the headpiece and start there. Place a small drop of glue on the head band and stick the feather to it (it should be standing straight up, and the bottom of the feather shouldn’t stick out past the bottom). Place another small drop of glue on the other side of the feather and stick the felt backing to it. Repeat the same process until all feathers are glued. It can get a little messy, so wipe your hands as necessary! When all of your feathers are placed, glue the ends of the backing to the band and secure with clips. Add more fabric glue as necessary, filling gaps in the felt and backing (the more, the better!). Let it set overnight and enjoy a pow wow in the morning.
*For the girls I added a shiny sequined ribbon to the front, securing with fabric glue.